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"News" in Hebrew is: חֲדָשׁוֹת

The Media.

One thing I want to stress is that it seems people go from one extreme to the other, in terms of the way they view a particular subject.They either believe that everything about a news source is bull crap, or they give their total trust and attention to it. The news isn't perfect, but it is not "fake". Even Alex Jones says things that are true SOMETIMES(mostly not 99% of the time). If you use a little discernment, do your own fact checking, use your brain, know some history, and connect the dots, you can make the effort to discern. All of this "fake news" stuff, I believe is leading to a planned attack on free speech. We know around 2016 the internet changed, and Google and YouTube started giving mainstream media the priority of the first page of Google. Now people who never were exposed to it before are now.

I believe they're using Alex Jones and "fake news" that they're pumping out on the web via far right neo nazi propoganda sites, to set the state for a higher level of CCP style censorship. They could make the argument that "we need to protect everyone from dangerous conspiracy theories and fake news" and in turn, this will make it where there will be LESS TRUTH and LESS INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM which ultimately is more dangerous than fake news itself. That's always the way freedom is lost, in the name of security and protection, and these are the big lies. Fake news isn't new, and even by word of mouth people say things that are not true. It's also not possible for everything on the news to be 100% truthful of straight forward, but when you see a bunch of nazi's in the street, crashing cars into crowds of people, you can believe it happened.

You can believe your own eyes. Words can go either way, but what you can see and hear with your own senses is real my friend. Plenty of people were there in Charlottsville, it happened. It's ridiculous to just label it all fake. So use your discernment but stop denying the fact that the sky is blue folks. And get ready for these tyrants to plan a high level of censorship against free speech. It looks like they're planning to attack free speech, and they're using these things as excuses and to sell you, to get you to BEG them to censor things.

What we should really be doing again, is teaching others the importance of legit sources for their information, and how to cite those sources. Instead of censoring speech, just start citing sources and using real sources for information if you're a content creator, blogger, or publish content on the web, or if you're a talk show host or whatever. Don't keep giving the enemy excuses to sell people on silencing everyone's voice, making them afraid of information.

Did you know that Nazi's BURNED books in WWII? They didn't want anyone to know the truth about anything. See, Nazi's seek to rewrite the truth, and turn it into their own propoganda, designed to herd you like a sheep into the snare of the trappers.

Academic Citations / Resources:


Kaczvinsky, C. (2016). Burning Books and Bricks: a Brief History of Cultural Destruction. Sigma Iota Rho Journal of International Relations.

"The Nazi regime modernized the practice of book burnings
as a form of cultural destruction during World War I"

Via: Electronic research databases: and

As far as internet censorship goes, you should know it exist by now. Research how the communist Chinese party censored their internet. I don't like Donald Trump but they censored him too, and that is a valid example of internet censorship. In fact, let me link to a few screenshots below to show you what I mean. Facebook does it, they are the worst for censoring over ordinary political speech, no hate.

Example 1

In Example 1 above, I share a screenshot from Facebook where I posted a CNN clip about how someone showed up armed at a library and demanded that they shut down. Anyway, Facebook censored my post for sharing CNN and commenting on it like Americans have done sense American was founded, we talk about the news and politics and religion. It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

YouTube Oppresses Free Speech From 2016 On!

On Another Topic, YouTube in 2016 prioritized mainstream news over ordinary Americans for the first pages of their search engine. ( YT is owned by Google actually ) It is no longer YOURTube, it now belongs to fortune 500 companies sadly. Thanks to monetization, the content is now more controlled than ever before, rending it useless for a political activism or free speech platform. I totally agree with banning hate speech, and swastika's and sick stuff, but G rated political speech, factual or balogne should not be censored. The antidote for lies is truth, not censorship. They use what they want to destroy, in order to make it look bad to destroy it. They wanna ban guys? They carry out mass shootings ( citation/evidence: ) They wanna ban free speech? They flood social media with propaganda and hate speech to encourage it. They wanna ban books? They flood libraries with pornography to have a reason to attack. They engineer problems so they can mess with people, it is the way of the enemy. The proof of this is all around, just connect the dots and look at what's right in front of you.

Notice how ( and I speak for myself, un-sure if all YouTube accounts do this, or just shadow-banned accounts ) but on my YouTube, there is never a single dislike on any video, ever. and there's no way that's correct. Again, mainstream media is real news, they aren't perfect, but in 2016 Google who owns YouTube gave the mainstream news media dominion over search results on YouTube, rendering small investigative journalist off the first page of YouTube forever. Both good and bad come from this, and the reason I say that is as much as I respect the mainstream media, I feel they could do a better job. I intend to pick up the slack here at, and Please share my work. Anyway, all internet junkies noticed it immediately. Think back, do you ever remember seeing so many news clips on YouTube? Before 2016 it was dominated by ordinary Americans, with no bias. It just worked out that way because of our numbers. Why do you think they're trying to reduce the population count? It seems obvious to me that there is a covert war taking place. I hope you're woke, because the opposite of woke in this world, is put to sleep.

Ditch Facebook folks, they censor and oppress. I found the ultimate platform. Unlike Gab, MeWe really IS actually pro free speech friendly, but doesn't allow hate speech, and swastika's and other distributing trash. The hashtags work there, and they don't control what group topics are allowed and disallowed like Gab does ( at least that's what I believe about Gab based on what I have seen using it )  They won't censor your post otherwise though on Mewe. You can say anything you want about your political views etc as long as the obvious, you're not making threats, or discussing illegal stuff, or anything that legitimately doesn't belong online like sick gore and other stuff, like pornography and pharmaceutical ads and propaganda. Best part is there are lots of smart people there. It seems the nazi's are making their move there, trying to spread propaganda, but they just don't fit in, and Mewe removes their accounts when they post illegal sicko stuff. On Mewe, the nazi's are way outnumbered, just like in the real world. Do not talk about the second amendment with anyone, because I suspect they're using red flag laws by making false claims or forging evidence, in order to disarm patriots.

Join MeWe Here! For FREE!

One last random thing I want to discuss, this screenshot. One thing the local cops in santa rosa county Florida did was, in 2017 when they decided to defend the malpractice "doctors" who were drugging my grandma and fraudulently were treating her as a mental patient ( malpractice ), and refused to investigate or do anything about these psychopaths pretending to nurses drugged her and shot her up with psychiatric drugs and stuff when she was there for physical therapy, was they lied to the local news. So when they aired the story, it was completely twisted. They left everything out that would expose the cops and department, and made it sound like a totally different situation. So in that sense, it was fake news, but it was fake news because the police lied to the news media ( I assume ) otherwise there would have to be a connection or relationship or partnership between the sheriffs office and wear to cover this up, and while I can't rule that out, I don't currently have evidence to support that. I believe that the cops simply lied to them, but there could be more to the story. Anyway here is a local narcissist trying to gaslight me but ultimately he's exposing what's going on around here further, so thanks bud.

Example , screenshot.


Here's a local, total stranger, spreading illegal slander about me on the internet. I will dig up and add another one later I have one where the guy kept going on and on after i pointed out no charges were filed, false arrest ,case dismissed, he still kept saying I abused her. I bet he knows the people involved. (bet, don't know) Check the clerk of courts website for this county, santa rosa county and look up james hermann. You'll see for the case in 2017 it was dropped, no evidence to press charges. They came after us because I was trying to get the police to help and go after the place doing the malpractice but it just pissed them off and they proceeded to behave like nazi's which I believe they are.

Want one last laugh? Listen to this Trump fan deny Charlottsville, beause Trump said "there were good people on both sides" , ok so that proves it was fake, Got it. lol

See that screenshot here!

Deuteronomy 29:29

“The secret things belong unto the LORD our God:

but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.”