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From One Extreme To The Other

People tend to view things from one extreme to the other. Some examples of what I mean by this include: how people tend to either believe that everything is fake ( bs ), or they believe everything they hear. They either put total faith in the news media, worship it, praise it, defend it no matter what it says or does, or they hate it and utterly oppose it to the core. but the truth is not so cut and dry. Various news agencies have many reasons to be bias. When we look at the commercials we can tell who they have a bias to support in their news.

Pharmaceutical companies and other vendors pay networks to air their commercials during the news and various shows. How would I know this? Their ads play during the commercial break, and they're paid ads, thus there is our proof. This shows us who they have financial connections to. We see pharma commercials so we know the makers of the vaccines are in with the networks. Because of this we can assume that they're going to be bias about pharma companies and what they want. That doesn't mean that now every story they air or have ever aired is fake now though.

People will always be bias, and business will always be business. I don't always agree with that, I think there should be a line between what's good for business, and what it morally wrong. At some point you gotta ask yourself , would God be ok with this? But humans will be humans, and most people I think don't even question these things, they just show up at work and chant the company mantra. We should start to view things how they really are, not so simple or cut and dry, more complex, and a mixture of truth and deception.

You have to consciously judge information as it comes your way, and I highly highly highly want to encourage everyone to adopt a research and investigation lifestyle. The internet is a valid source for research you just have to have discernment, be informed, and use proper sources for information. Don't use plain old Google. If you want scholarly information ( academically accurate facts that even your college professor would ok as valid ) then you need to use or or There are many others and academic institutions around the globe typically suggest a few to their students for research.

Quick note about Google: People claim Google is so evil. and I could complain about them all day. I don't use Google to search the internet. I do use Google scholar though, because it simply searches a bunch of other electronic databases that students in school use, and really has nothing to do with Google per see. I have found plenty of information on there that I was surprised to find. I thought google would censor that, but it turns out the conspiracy hype isn't all truth. Google has done and is doing plenty of sketchy and unfair things, and even un-American, but because we are in America, they are still under the law, and not everything on Google is balogne.

Remember Google is nothing more than a database of links. They're bias to fortune 500 companies, and drug companies, and not in favor of the average Americans political voice or free speech, but Google scholar is valid none the less, and has nothing to do with money. It is not driven by currency. Never the less, you have options when it comes to academic research. You don't have to use Google scholar, you can use or any other number of free to the public scholarly databases. Ask your local school, college, or library.